
New and improved drone mapping software

For his thesis, an EPFL Ph.D. student has enhanced the accuracy and reliability of drone mapping—a technique that is gaining traction across many sectors of society.


Novel tactile display using computer-controlled surface adhesion

A group of researchers at Osaka University developed a novel two-dimensional (2-D) graphical tactile display to which one-dimensional (1D) adhesive information could be added by controlling adhesion of designated portions ...


'Epidermal VR' gives technology a human touch

Imagine holding hands with a loved one on the other side of the world. Or feeling a pat on the back from a teammate in the online game "Fortnite."


New haptic arm places robotics within easy reach

Imagine being able to build and use a robotic device without the need for expensive, specialist kit or skills. That is the vision that researchers from the University of Bristol have turned into reality, creating a lightweight, ...

Consumer & Gadgets

Sony's PlayStation 5 launch set for late 2020

Sony said Tuesday its next-generation PlayStation 5 console, with new immersive features giving players the tactile experience of virtual worlds, would launch for the 2020 holiday season.

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