
New haptic arm places robotics within easy reach

Imagine being able to build and use a robotic device without the need for expensive, specialist kit or skills. That is the vision that researchers from the University of Bristol have turned into reality, creating a lightweight, ...


Smelling in VR environment possible with new gaming technology

An odor machine, so-called olfactometer, makes it possible to smell in VR environments. First up is a "wine tasting game" where the user smells wine in a virtual wine cellar and gets points if the guess on aromas in each ...


'Epidermal VR' gives technology a human touch

Imagine holding hands with a loved one on the other side of the world. Or feeling a pat on the back from a teammate in the online game "Fortnite."

Computer Sciences

An AI expert explains why it's hard to give computers common sense

Imagine you're having friends over for lunch and plan to order a pepperoni pizza. You recall Amy mentioning that Susie had stopped eating meat. You try calling Susie, but when she doesn't pick up, you decide to play it safe ...

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