
Circuit board reads 8000 messages per second

Autonomous vehicles are in demand like never before. At NTNU, researchers have developed a circuit board that can be adapted to different drones with simple steps. Airbus has tested the system on a lunar landing prototype.


A robot able to 'smell' using a biological sensor

A new technological development by Tel Aviv University has made it possible for a robot to smell using a biological sensor. The sensor sends electrical signals as a response to the presence of a nearby odor, which the robot ...

Machine learning & AI

Simple data gets the most out of quantum machine learning

New theoretical research proves that machine learning on quantum computers requires far simpler data than previously believed. The finding paves a path to maximizing the usability of today's noisy, intermediate-scale quantum ...


A battery-free sensor for underwater exploration

To investigate the vastly unexplored oceans covering most our planet, researchers aim to build a submerged network of interconnected sensors that send data to the surface—an underwater "internet of things." But how to supply ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

A novel energy-efficient actuator system for micro loudspeakers

We want modern technology to become smaller and more energy-efficient without losing quality. Technical innovation is required to achieve this. For several years, the Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems IPMS has ...

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