
Research team develops sweat-resistant wearable robot sensor

New electromyography (EMG) sensor technology that allows the long-term stable control of wearable robots and is not affected by the wearer's sweat and dead skin has gained attention recently. Wearable robots are devices used ...


Disasters at sea trigger ship-safety advances

When one of the world's largest container ships crashed into the bank of the Suez Canal in 2021, a major gateway for global trade became blocked with an estimated $9.6 billion in daily commerce being held up.


Advances in AI, chips boost voice recognition

Separate developments in speech recognition technology from IBM and California universities at San Francisco and Berkeley offer promising news for patients suffering from vocal paralysis and speech loss.

Energy & Green Tech

Saving jet fuel with flexible sensor strips

Civil aviation is committed to making progress on the road towards a climate-neutral future. To make current and future aircrafts more energy-efficient and use less jet fuel, the industry needs reliable data about the durability ...


A robot able to 'smell' using a biological sensor

A new technological development by Tel Aviv University has made it possible for a robot to smell using a biological sensor. The sensor sends electrical signals as a response to the presence of a nearby odor, which the robot ...

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