
Kids in mall. Run, robot, run (for your life)

When is human-likeness a good thing and when is it too much of a good thing? Interesting thought: If a child delights in pulling hair off her dolls' heads, disturbing the cat and jabbing her sister to tears, what will she ...

Computer Sciences

Creating 3-D maps of complex buildings for disaster management

In case of an emergency, first responders like the fire brigade need up-to-date information. Two-dimensional maps are a common source of information, but they can be difficult to read in an emergency situation. UT Ph.D. student ...


Google Maps to show more eco-friendly routes

Google on Tuesday said it will start showing users of its free Maps navigation service travel routes less damaging to the environment as just one of some 100 coming upgrades.

Computer Sciences

Helping the blind to navigate

Picture yourself going to an unfamiliar supermarket for the first time. If you are a person who can see, you can simply look around to guide yourself and identify objects and obstacles. However, blind people must use other ...

Energy & Green Tech

The power of footfall: Harvesting energy from human traffic

For many years wind power, solar power, tidal power and many other sustainable solutions to electricity generation have been in place. But, what about harvesting the energy of human traffic on city streets and other environments?


Improved algorithm plots faster escape routes

Research in the International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling has looked at fire escape routes in complex buildings with a view to designing in improvements to help a building's occupants during a potentially ...

Energy & Green Tech

Cloud sourcing electricity usage

Sometimes an outside perspective is all it takes to tackle a problem in an innovative way. And inferring electricity usage in a building without using a meter could be as simple as correlating average occupancy at a given ...

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