
Extreme reality telemetry for first responders

Imagine a limited visibility scenario: Smoke fills the air, making it difficult to see more than a few feet in front of you. The roar of the flames is deafening, and you can feel the heat of the fire on your skin even through ...


Robots dress humans without the full picture

Robots are already adept at certain things, such as lifting objects that are too heavy or cumbersome for people to manage. Another application they're well suited for is the precision assembly of items like watches that have ...

Machine learning & AI

Army research enables conversational AI between soldiers, robot

Dialogue is one of the most basic ways humans use language, and is a desirable capability for autonomous systems. Army researchers developed a novel dialogue capability to transform Soldier-robot interaction and perform joint ...

Computer Sciences

Researchers build an AI system to identify social norm violations

A researcher at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev has designed an AI system that identifies social norm violations. The project is one of the first to tackle the automatic identification of social norm violations. While ...

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