Electronics & Semiconductors

Future smart homes could be powered with electronics built on stones

What if you could power the smart thermostats, speakers and lights in your home with a kitchen countertop? Stones, such as marble and granite, are natural, eco-friendly materials that many people building or renovating houses ...


Peekaboo! Here's a system to guarantee smart home privacy

Many internet-connected devices—let's use smart speakers as an example—share data to the cloud when you interact with them. How do you know your speaker isn't always listening? How do you know it's not sharing more information ...


New countermeasure against unwanted wireless surveillance

Smart devices are supposed to make our everyday lives easier. At the same time, however, they are a gateway for passive eavesdropping. To prevent possible surveillance of the movement profile within one's home, researchers ...


New method to kill cyberattacks in less than a second

A new method that could automatically detect and kill cyberattacks on our laptops, computers and smart devices in under a second has been created by researchers at Cardiff University.

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