Hi Tech & Innovation

Smart Windshield is concept for motorbike rider safety

The obvious advice for bike riders as well as car drivers is the same: stay focused. Avoid messaging and phone calls that could take your mind off the most important activity facing you, handling the car or bike on the road. ...


Finding security flaws in Android ahead of malicious hackers

EPFL researchers in computer and communication sciences are hacking and fixing Android phones before malicious hackers do. They uncovered 31 security critical bugs in the Android system, explored their risks and developed ...

Energy & Green Tech

Tiny power converters that run on vibrational energy

University of California San Diego and CEA-Leti scientists have developed a ground-breaking piezoelectric-based DC-DC converter that unifies all power switches onto a single chip to increase power density. This new power ...

Machine learning & AI

Ten ways artificial intelligence will shape the next five years

Over the past year, artificial intelligence has made a significant impact on the world. While most of us have noticed the advancements in text and image tools like ChatGPT and Midjourney, a deeper revolution is happening ...

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A smartphone is a mobile phone offering advanced capabilities, often with PC-like functionality (PC-mobile handset convergence). There is no industry standard definition of a smartphone. For some, a smartphone is a phone that runs complete operating system software providing a standardized interface and platform for application developers. For others, a smartphone is simply a phone with advanced features like e-mail, Internet and e-book reader capabilities, and/or a built-in full keyboard or external USB keyboard and VGA connector. In other words, it is a miniature computer that has phone capability.

Growth in demand for advanced mobile devices boasting powerful processors, abundant memory, large screens and open operating systems has outpaced the rest of the mobile phone market for several years.

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