
Making smart city infrastructure watertight in Vietnam

Research in the International Journal of Critical Infrastructures offers guidance on securing water critical infrastructures and reaffirms the urgency of protecting environment monitoring technologies as cities evolve into ...


When your house spreads gossip about you

More and more of the devices that we surround ourselves with on a daily basis are connected to the internet. This makes them not only smart, but also vulnerable to cyberattacks and criminal acts.

Energy & Green Tech

Researchers protecting solar technologies from cyberattack

New research from the University of Georgia suggests a novel approach to safeguarding one possible target of a cyberattack—the nation's solar farms. In a study published in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, a team in UGA's ...

Machine learning & AI

Gesture recognition technology shrinks to micro size

New resource-efficient gesture recognition can be embedded into smart clothing. Technology developed in collaboration between Aalto University and company HitSeed could be used in manufacturing and healthcare, for example.

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