
Love actually: Computer model may decode Facebook emoticons

While the trusty "like" button is still the most popular way to signal approval for Facebook posts, a computer model may help users and businesses navigate the increasingly complicated way people are expressing how they feel ...


Cyber attack causes chaos in Costa Rica government systems

Nearly a week into a ransomware attack that has crippled Costa Rican government computer systems, the country refused to pay a ransom as it struggled to implement workarounds and braced itself as hackers began publishing ...


Tips to help small business owners avoid phishing scam

Phishing scams that infect a computer and potentially allow hackers to invade bank and other accounts are highly preventable—but it takes eternal vigilance on the part of computer users.


Concerns about cybersecurity increase during COVID-19

Cyber criminals are taking advantage of the COVID-19 crisis, as cybersecurity experts have tracked a rise in online scams related to the novel coronavirus. Using concerns about the novel coronavirus, cyber criminals have ...

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