Computer Sciences

This algorithm has opinions about your face

When two people meet, they instantly size each other up, making snap judgments about everything from the other person's age to their intelligence or trustworthiness based solely on the way they look. Those first impressions, ...


US lawmakers advance Big Tech competition bill

A US Senate panel endorsed legislation Thursday that would block tech giants from prioritizing their products over those of smaller rivals, a potentially major reform that will face a tough fight in Congress.


Facebook misidentified thousands of political ads: study

Facebook misidentified tens of thousands of advertisements flagged under its political ads policy, according to a study released Thursday, which warned that the failure could lead to political manipulation.


The metaverse and its implications for our digital future

When the company formerly known as Facebook announced plans in October to change its name to Meta, the company said the move would better reflect its intention to "bring the metaverse to life and help people connect, find ...

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