
AI can alert urban planners and policymakers to cities' decay

More than two-thirds of the world's population is expected to live in cities by 2050, according to the United Nations. As urbanization advances around the globe, researchers at the University of Notre Dame and Stanford University ...

Energy & Green Tech

Scientists design cobalt-free battery for cleaner, greener power

High-capacity and reliable rechargeable batteries are a critical component of many devices and even modes of transport. They play a key role in the shift to a greener world. A wide variety of elements are used in their production, ...


The challenges of mining for electric-vehicle batteries

In August 2022, Congress passed the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Signed by President Joe Biden, the legislation attempted to curb inflation, lower the deficit, and invest heavily into domestic clean energy.

Computer Sciences

This algorithm has opinions about your face

When two people meet, they instantly size each other up, making snap judgments about everything from the other person's age to their intelligence or trustworthiness based solely on the way they look. Those first impressions, ...

Computer Sciences

Virtual reality game simulates experiences with race

Video games that use virtual reality to create immersive experiences have become increasingly popular for entertainment and for research. However, the representation of race in these simulations is often shallow—and fails ...


Meta removes AI-generated influence campaigns in China, Israel

Meta Platforms Inc. removed hundreds of Facebook accounts associated with covert influence campaigns from China, Israel, Iran, Russia and other countries, some of which used artificial intelligence tools to generate disinformation, ...


Meta suffers global Facebook, Instagram outage

Meta suffered a highly unusual outage of all its social media platforms on Tuesday with users of Facebook, Instagram and Threads locked out of their accounts.

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