
Google bans political ads in Singapore as elections loom

Google has banned political ads in Singapore ahead of elections, an opposition party said Wednesday, sparking accusations the tech giant was "kowtowing" to the tightly-controlled city's government.


TikTok drops 'blunt' cyberbullying policy

TikTok has dropped a "blunt" cyberbullying policy, the Chinese-owned video sharing app said Wednesday after a report it hid posts by disabled, gay and overweight people.


Twitter says world leaders 'not above' its rules

Twitter said Tuesday world leaders are "not above" the rules of the online platform and could see their messages removed or demoted for egregious conduct violating its terms of service.

Machine learning & AI

Research: AI is in danger of becoming too male

Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems are becoming smarter every day, beating world champions in games like Go, identifying tumors in medical scans better than human radiologists, and increasing the efficiency of electricity-hungry ...

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