
Facebook's influencers nod shows murky side of campaign ads

Facebook's green light for political campaigns to pay prominent social media users to spread their messages is highlighting the difficulties around setting rules for the fast-changing world of online political campaigning.

Machine learning & AI

Machine learning to predict if you'll leave your partner

The life satisfaction of both partners and the woman's percentage of housework turned out to be the most important predictors of union dissolution, when scholars affiliated to Bocconi's Dondena Centre for Research on Social ...


Your 'anonmyized' web browsing history may not be anonymous

Raising further questions about privacy on the internet, researchers from Princeton and Stanford universities have released a study showing that a specific person's online behavior can be identified by linking anonymous web ...


Motivation behind energy-efficient upgrades differs by location

With several billion dollars available from the Inflation Reduction Act for upgrades to increase energy efficiency of the home, now is the time for consumers to take advantage of federal government subsidies that will help ...

Machine learning & AI

Machine learning predicts marital discord

The life satisfaction of both partners and the woman's percentage of housework turned out to be the most important predictors of union dissolution, when scholars affiliated to Bocconi's Dondena Centre for Research on Social ...

Consumer & Gadgets

Trump campaign asks Meta to reinstate his Facebook account

Donald Trump's campaign is asking Facebook's parent company to reinstate his access on grounds he's a declared 2024 presidential candidate and that keeping him off the platform is interfering with the political process.

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