Energy & Green Tech

The missing component of energy models: People

A team of Carnegie Mellon University researchers led by Turner Cotterman, an engineering and public policy (EPP) Ph.D. student, has shown that sustainably decarbonizing our energy system by 2050 will require us to change ...

Machine learning & AI

Research: AI is in danger of becoming too male

Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems are becoming smarter every day, beating world champions in games like Go, identifying tumors in medical scans better than human radiologists, and increasing the efficiency of electricity-hungry ...


An iterative regulatory process for robot governance

As technology advances rapidly, the gap between the speed of policy development and technological change is becoming more prominent. This is particularly true in robotics, where current legislation often lags behind and fails ...

Energy & Green Tech

Will Africa's metals boom suffer the same curse as oil?

Mechanical diggers are hard at work in the bleak landscape of the Moanda open-cast mine in Gabon, using giant jaws to rip out manganese and then dump the ore into trucks with a crash.


Twitter admits policy 'errors' after far-right abuse

Twitter's new picture permission policy was aimed at combating online abuse, but US activists and researchers said Friday that far-right backers have employed it to protect themselves from scrutiny and to harass opponents.

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