
You're doing it wrong: You need to compare apples to oranges

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev researchers argue in a new paper that previous tests of virtual reality versus social robots for cognitive training compare apples to apples when they really need to be comparing apples ...


A text-reading robot may help users manage negative emotions

Scientists from the Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems at the University of Tsukuba devised a text message mediation robot that can help users control their anger when receiving upsetting news. This device may ...


Social robots deserve our appreciation, bioethicist says

If you have sex with an android doll and then knock it around the room, are you being abusive? If you're in a foul mood and boot your robotic pet down the stairs, are you being a jerk? In either scenario, is the device's ...

Machine learning & AI

Humans bigger threat than AI, says chess legend Kasparov

Russian chess legend Garry Kasparov was beaten by a supercomputer—but when it comes to artificial intelligence, he is firmly convinced that it's the humans who pose the real threat.


World's first robotic squash coach

A social robot from the National Robotarium, hosted by Heriot-Watt University, has become the world's first squash coach to explore if performance improvements and motivation levels can be increased during a player's solo ...


Robots who goof: Can we trust them again?

When robots make mistakes—and they do from time to time—reestablishing trust with human co-workers depends on how the machines own up to the errors and how human-like they appear, according to University of Michigan research.


Robots benefit special education students

Researchers at the University of Twente have discovered that primary school children in both regular and special needs schools make strides when they learn together with a robot. On 30 April, both Daniel Davison and Bob Schadenberg ...

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