Energy & Green Tech

Study: Enough rare earth minerals to fuel green energy shift

The world has enough rare earth minerals and other critical raw materials to switch from fossil fuels to renewable energy to produce electricity and limit global warming, according to a new study that counters concerns about ...

Energy & Green Tech

Cyprus racers show budget solar cars have a sunny future

Venetia Chrysostomide fastened her helmet and rolled her solar-powered car into the sunny streets of Cypriot capital Nicosia for a race to showcase such vehicles' eco-friendly potential, even on a budget.

Energy & Green Tech

Dutch solar car serves as a battery on wheels

A fresh cup of coffee while camping in the wild? No problem! Power outlets are no longer needed if you have a solar car. The Solar Team Eindhoven demonstrated that today.

Energy & Green Tech

California drives toward an electric future

The pressure is on for California to meet its clean-vehicle goals. In less than two years, 35% of vehicles sold must have zero tailpipe emissions. And by 2035, all light-duty vehicles sold must be zero-emissions.

Energy & Green Tech

Farewell, oil: It's time to turn our backs on an old friend

They heat our homes, power the coffee maker and keep the factories that make our clothes running. They serve as raw material for our yogurt cups, transport us to work and bring food to the shops. Fossil fuels—oil, coal ...

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