Energy & Green Tech

Idaho researchers unveil enhanced electric power grid test bed

It's taken almost 10 years to design and construct, but researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy's Idaho National Laboratory have now energized and put into service one of the nation's most comprehensive electric ...

Energy & Green Tech

Bees, sheep, crops: Solar developers tout multiple benefits

Silflower was among native plants that blanketed the vast North American prairie until settlers developed farms and cities. Nowadays confined largely to roadsides and ditches, the long-stemmed cousin of the sunflower may ...


Engineering a better world using mirrors, sun and steam

Partha Dutta, a professor of electrical, computer, and systems engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, envisions a not-so-distant future where even the most remote parts of the world would have access to clean and ...

Energy & Green Tech

Solar energy becomes biofuel without solar cells

Soon we will be able to replace fossil fuels with a carbon-neutral product created from solar energy, carbon dioxide and water. Researchers at Uppsala University have successfully produced microorganisms that can efficiently ...

Energy & Green Tech

Optimizing solar farms with smart drones

As the solar industry has grown, so have some of its inefficiencies. Smart entrepreneurs see those inefficiencies as business opportunities and try to create solutions around them. Such is the nature of a maturing industry.

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