Energy & Green Tech

Scientists convert chicken fat into energy storage devices

The global move toward more sustainable, green energy has increased power reserves and the demand for energy storage devices. Unfortunately, some materials for these devices can be expensive and environmentally problematic. ...

Energy & Green Tech

Tidal energy is coming to Alaska. But how much?

Much of Alaska is empty—of humans, at least. Vast tundra and forest separate cities and villages, dividing the state into more than 150 isolated power grids. The largest of these grids, known as the Railbelt, carries 70% ...


Modular software for scientific image reconstruction

Scientists use an array of imaging instruments to look inside living organisms, sometimes as they move, and to observe inert objects without altering their state. Such instruments include telescopes, microscopes, CT scanners ...

Energy & Green Tech

A new roadmap to close the carbon cycle

A major approach to achieving net-zero carbon emissions relies on converting various parts of the economy, such as personal vehicles and heating, to run via electricity generated from renewable sources. But carbon cannot ...

Computer Sciences

A new framework to improve high computing performance

From a luxury to a day-to-day necessity, computing isn't quite what it used to be. As applications like machine learning and 5G mobile networks become the norm, the need for high computing performance has never been greater. ...

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