Machine learning & AI

Building machines that better understand human goals 

In a classic experiment on human social intelligence by psychologists Felix Warneken and Michael Tomasello, an 18-month old toddler watches a man carry a stack of books towards an unopened cabinet. When the man reaches the ...


New preventive maintenance model can save companies millions

72,000 euros. That's what it costs when a chip-making machine breaks down for an hour due to a malfunction. It's logical that companies want to prevent these kinds of breakdowns at all costs. Their solution is preventive ...


New York police dump controversial robotic dog

New York police will stop using a robotic dog similar to ones that inspired an episode of dystopian Netflix series "Black Mirror" after a backlash over its deployment, the force said Thursday.

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Standard Model

The Standard Model of particle physics is a theory of three of the four known fundamental interactions and the elementary particles that take part in these interactions. These particles make up all visible matter in the universe. The standard model is a gauge theory of the electroweak and strong interactions with the gauge group SU(3)×SU(2)×U(1).

Every high energy physics experiment carried out since the mid-20th century has eventually yielded findings consistent with the Standard Model. Still, the Standard Model falls short of being a complete theory of fundamental interactions because it does not include gravity, dark matter, or dark energy. It isn't quite a complete description of leptons either, because it does not describe nonzero neutrino masses, although simple natural extensions do.

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