
Pursuing metal fuel for carbon-free energy on Earth and the moon

Everything burns. Given the right environment, all matter can burn by adding oxygen, but finding the right mix and generating enough heat makes some materials combust more easily than others. Researchers interested in knowing ...


Search still on for alternatives to Musk-owned Twitter

Since Elon Musk took over Twitter in October, users irked by the platform's new regime have vowed to move their online presence elsewhere, though this has proved harder than some had banked on.

Computer Sciences

'Godfather of AI' leaves Google, warns of tech's dangers

Sounding alarms about artificial intelligence has become a popular pastime in the ChatGPT era, taken up by high-profile figures as varied as industrialist Elon Musk, leftist intellectual Noam Chomsky and the 99-year-old retired ...


Corporate investment could improve climate-tech innovation

Corporate investments in climate-tech start-ups are a growing but overlooked aspect of energy innovation. According to a new report from Morgan Edwards, a professor at the La Follette School of Public Affairs at the University ...


Humanoid robots to take centre stage at UN meet on AI

Eight humanoid robots will be the star attractions when the United Nations hosts its first summit since the start of the pandemic on the benefits of artificial intelligence, it said Wednesday.

Electronics & Semiconductors

A Bayesian machine based on memristors

Over the past few decades, the performance of machine learning models on various real-world tasks has improved significantly. Training and implementing most of these models, however, still requires vast amounts of energy ...

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