
New York Amazon workers deal setback to union drive

Workers at an Amazon facility in New York have roundly voted against unionization—dealing a setback to a burgeoning organized labor movement one month after a landmark win at a nearby warehouse.


Amazon to fight union's win in NY labor election

Amazon told a federal agency it will file "substantial" objections to last week's worker election in New York that established the company's first union in the United States, according to a filing released Thursday.


Amazon accused of anti-union tactics in New York

US labor authorities have filed a complaint accusing e-commerce giant Amazon of using threats and surveillance against its workers trying to organize a union at a New York City warehouse.


US authorities order new vote in Amazon union bid

US labor authorities on Monday ordered a new vote on whether Amazon warehouse workers in Alabama can form a union, saying the online retail giant had violated rules during the ballot.


Amazon workers begin voting in landmark US union push

Workers at an Amazon warehouse in Alabama have begun voting on whether to form the first American union at the e-commerce giant, an effort that could pave the way for further unionization in the United States at one of the ...


Amazon girds for challenge in warehouse union drive

Amazon workers at an Alabama warehouse have been given a green light by a federal agency on a unionization vote which could deliver a first for organized labor with the e-commerce and technology giant in the United States.


New turbulence in high-stakes Lufthansa rescue drama

Coronavirus-stricken airline group Lufthansa wavered Wednesday on grabbing a nine-billion-euro ($9.9 billion) German state lifeline, throwing up new turbulence for a rescue that could decide the fate of the historic company.

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