
Facial recognition: IT and police in delicate dance

Tech giants love to portray themselves as forces for good and as the United States was gripped by anti-racism protests a number of them publicly disavowed selling controversial facial recognition technology to police forces.


Amazon calls for US federal law to ban price gouging

Amazon called Wednesday for a US federal law to prohibit price gouging during a national emergency, saying new standards are needed to prevent profiteering from situations like the COVID-19 pandemic.


Canada privacy watchdog probes facial recognition startup

Canada's privacy watchdog on Friday announced an investigation into a US software startup reportedly capable of matching images of unknown faces to photos it mined from millions of websites and social media networks.


WhatsApp defends encryption as it tops 2 billion users

The Facebook-owned messaging service WhatsApp said Wednesday it now has more than two billion users around the world as it reaffirmed its commitment to strong encryption to protect privacy.

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