Consumer & Gadgets

Why your e-scooter may pose higher risks than a rental

What we colloquially refer to as "e-scooters" can differ greatly when it comes to steering and braking capabilities, wheel size, and suspension systems; something that can have harmful consequences in the event of a crash. ...


Teslas with Autopilot a step closer to recall after wrecks

Teslas with partially automated driving systems are a step closer to being recalled after the U.S. elevated its investigation into a series of collisions with parked emergency vehicles or trucks with warning signs.


Spooktacular car tech

Whether it's a ghostly image that makes objects seemingly disappear or a spectral presence turning the steering wheel, modern cars are loaded with more tricks than a haunted house. But these features don't represent automakers ...


Car tech to guard against distracted driving

Distracted driving puts not only drivers on the road at risk but also passengers, cyclists and pedestrians. In 2018, it led to the deaths of 2,841 people, according to the most current data from the National Highway Traffic ...


Who offers hands-free driving systems for 2023?

Fully automated self-driving cars are still a thing of the future. But you can get a taste of what they'll be like if your vehicle has what's commonly described as hands-free driving capability. A vehicle so equipped can ...


VW and Bosch join forces to rev up automated driving

Car giant Volkswagen and parts supplier Bosch have embarked on an "extensive partnership" to bring automated driving to the mass market by next year, the German companies said on Tuesday.


Cooperating may result in a better self-driving experience

In a dynamic computer game in which the computer is also a decision maker, you may often find yourself competing with the game to reach your goal. Similarly in handling a "self-driving" car, an automobile equipped with automated ...

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