
Boeing CEO to face Capitol Hill grilling

Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun is expected to apologize to families of crash victims on Tuesday as he faces a Senate grilling following accusations that the plane maker put profits over safety.


US ramps up oversight of major AI players: Report

Top US antitrust enforcers are moving forward with investigations into the roles played by Microsoft, OpenAI and Nvidia in the artificial intelligence boom, according to a report on Thursday.


Reddit gives OpenAI access to its wealth of posts

OpenAI will have access to Reddit data for training its artificial intelligence models and will put its technology to work on the popular discussion platform, the companies said Thursday.

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In the investment world, a share of stock (also referred to as equity share) represents a share of ownership in a corporation (company).

In the plural, stocks is often used as a synonym for shares especially in the United States, but it is less commonly used that way outside of North America.[1]

In the United Kingdom, South Africa, and Australia, stock can also refer to completely different financial instruments such as government bonds or, less commonly, to all kinds of marketable securities.[2]

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