Consumer & Gadgets

How do I get the best audio quality from streaming music services?

When it came to the way people listened to music at home, vinyl ruled until the 1970s. But technology doesn't stand still. Cassettes, which had poorer sound quality but were much more convenient, gave records a run for their ...


Apple and Amazon 'committed' to big screen, says theaters boss

Movie theater owners are confident that previously streaming-focused tech giants Apple and Amazon are now "committed" to putting their films on the big screen—even if Netflix still declines to—their trade body's new president ...


Netflix reports a first-quarter burst in subscriber growth

Netflix began the year with another burst in subscriber growth that eclipsed analysts' projections for the third consecutive quarter, providing further evidence the video streaming service has regained its momentum after ...


Musk announces $8 monthly charge for verified Twitter accounts

New Twitter head Elon Musk said Tuesday the site will charge $8 per month to verify users' accounts, arguing the plan would solve the platform's issues with bots and trolls while creating a new revenue stream for the company.

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