
Advertising slump during virus crisis hits media jobs

Media redundancies, partial layoffs and managerial wage cuts are on the rise as advertising markets implode, despite customers showing an ever stronger appetite for information on the coronavirus crisis.


US says Chinese hacking vaccine research: reports

The US Federal Bureau of Investigation and cybersecurity experts believe Chinese hackers are trying to steal research on developing a vaccine against coronavirus, two newspapers reported Monday.


Semiconductor companies consider new plants in the U.S.

Intel and a Taiwanese company are talking to the Trump administration about building new semiconductor plants in the United States amid concern about relying on suppliers in Asia for chips used in a wide variety of electronics.


American Airlines to apply for $12 bn in govt relief

American Airlines became the first US carrier to announce it will request federal aid under the just-approved relief package, saying it will apply for $12 billion as it attempts to survive a global downturn sparked by the ...

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