Energy & Green Tech

At the end of the road, EV batteries have no particular place to go

Transport is at a crossroads as we move away from filling our tanks with liquid fossil fuels and powering them up from battery charging points. However, the lithium-ion batteries that displaced those tanks have a finite lifespan ...

Energy & Green Tech

Iran's ancient 'wind catchers' beat the heat naturally

Tall, chimney-like towers rise from centuries-old adobe houses in Iran's desert city of Yazd, drawing in a pleasant breeze for residents of one of the hottest cities on earth.


Pursuing metal fuel for carbon-free energy on Earth and the moon

Everything burns. Given the right environment, all matter can burn by adding oxygen, but finding the right mix and generating enough heat makes some materials combust more easily than others. Researchers interested in knowing ...

Energy & Green Tech

Unlocking the power of photosynthesis for clean energy production

As the world faces an increasing demand for clean and sustainable energy sources, scientists are turning to the power of photosynthesis for inspiration. With the goal of developing new, environmentally friendly techniques ...

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