Energy & Green Tech

Sudan's electric rickshaws cut costs, help environment

Sudanese entrepreneur Mohamed Samir watches proudly as workers assemble garishly coloured rickshaws, unique in the North African nation because they run on electricity in a bid to tackle soaring costs.

Energy & Green Tech

Innovative waste heat recovery experiment in Sweden

RISE Research Institutes of Sweden has set up a small fuel cell-powered data center in Luleå, a coastal city in northern Sweden, for the recovery of waste heat. The fuel cells generate electricity used to power the Edge ...

Energy & Green Tech

Here's how food waste can generate clean energy

Food waste is a growing problem in Canada and many other parts of the world—and it is only expected to get worse in the coming years. The world population is expected to grow to 9.7 billion by 2050, alongside global food ...

Energy & Green Tech

Tesla cuts battery cost on road to $25K model

Tesla on Tuesday said it is slashing battery costs to speed a global shift to renewable energy, and could have a $25,000 self-driving model available in three years or so.

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