
Creating smarter, healthier transportation systems

NC State assistant civil engineering professor Eleni Bardaka grew up in Athens, Greece, watching her mom take public transportation to work every day and eventually finding her own personal independence using multiple options ...

Computer Sciences

Researchers design new techniques to bolster memory safety

Because corporations and governments rely on computers and the internet to run everything from the electric grid, healthcare, and water systems, computer security is extremely important to all of us. It is increasingly being ...

Energy & Green Tech

The missing component of energy models: People

A team of Carnegie Mellon University researchers led by Turner Cotterman, an engineering and public policy (EPP) Ph.D. student, has shown that sustainably decarbonizing our energy system by 2050 will require us to change ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

Exploring extremes: When is it too hot to handle?

Exploring extreme environments can put significant operational challenges on the engineering systems we depend upon to safely explore and at times operate within.


How a moving platform for 3D printing can cut waste and costs

3-D printing has the potential to revolutionize product design and manufacturing in a vast range of fields—from custom components for consumer products, to 3-D printed dental products and bone and medical implants that ...

Machine learning & AI

Quick, easy access to machine data

Data is the currency of the future. But how can companies access the immense quantities of data generated by their machinery and use it to modernize production? Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering ...

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