Electronics & Semiconductors

Developing technology to mimic the function of skin

Scientists at UNSW Sydney have combined artificial synapses with advanced sensors to mimic the properties of human skin, in new research published in Advanced Functional Materials.


Team makes electronic skin that can sense touch

Stanford scientists have developed a soft and stretchable electronic skin that can directly talk to the brain, imitating the sensory feedback of real skin using a strategy that, if improved, could offer hope to millions of ...

Computer Sciences

Break it down: A new way to address common computing problem

In this era of big data, there are some problems in scientific computing that are so large, so complex and contain so much information that attempting to solve them would be too big of a task for most computers.

Electronics & Semiconductors

A ferroelectric transistor that stores and computes at scale

The Big Data revolution has strained the capabilities of state-of-the-art electronic hardware, challenging engineers to rethink almost every aspect of the microchip. With ever more enormous data sets to store, search and ...


Toward active thermomechanical control in precision mechatronics

Next-generation mechatronic systems form a vital part of the infrastructure that facilitates the technological advancements and innovations in the high-tech manufacturing, life sciences and medical industries. These systems ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

New tech can double spectral bandwidth in some 5G systems

Some materials, like wood, are insulators that block the flow of electricity. Conductors, such as copper, allow for electricity to flow through them. Other materials—semiconductors—can be either/or depending on conditions ...

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