Energy & Green Tech

Chill out: Advanced solar tech runs cooler and lasts longer

Australian photovoltaics researchers have made a 'cool' discovery: Singlet fission and tandem solar cells—two innovative ways to generate solar power more efficiently—also help to lower operating temperatures and keep ...

Energy & Green Tech

Seeing both sides of light collection

Two types of materials are better than one when it comes to solar cells, as revealed by an international team that has tested a new combination of materials and architecture to improve solar-cell efficiency.


New and improved drone mapping software

For his thesis, an EPFL Ph.D. student has enhanced the accuracy and reliability of drone mapping—a technique that is gaining traction across many sectors of society.

Energy & Green Tech

Tandem solar cell world record: New branch in the NREL chart

A new world-record-setting solar cell developed by HZB combines the semiconductors perovskite and CIGS to a monolithic 'two-terminal' tandem cell. Due to the thin-film technologies used, such tandem cells survive much longer ...

Energy & Green Tech

A touch of zirconium to better catch the sun

Transparent conductive films that let through a broader range of the solar spectrum have been developed by KAUST and are set to increase the power conversion efficiency of perovskite-based multijunction solar cells beyond ...

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