Machine learning & AI

Building computer vision in the kitchen

Imagine watching a pizza chef going about his work in a kitchen. You see him: weigh flour before adding water and yeast to it; knead the mixture into a dough; leave it to rise while he slices pepperoni and other toppings; ...

Energy & Green Tech

Microgrids could help solve challenges of renewable energy

Renewable energy is the way of the future, but issues such as variability and surplus generation have so far created headaches in the move to fully utilizing these energy solutions. New research led by Murdoch University, ...


Q&A: What you need to know about audio deepfakes

Audio deepfakes have had a recent bout of bad press after an AI-generated robocall purporting to be the voice of Joe Biden hit up New Hampshire residents, urging them not to cast ballots. Meanwhile, spear-phishers—phishing ...

Energy & Green Tech

From greenhouse gas to green fuel

An integral part of the transition to green energy is sensibly utilizing the occasional surplus electricity generated by renewable sources. One possibility is using such surplus energy to produce hydrogen via electrolysis. ...


Making table tennis accessible for blind players

Table tennis has been played for decades as a more accessible version of tennis. The sport is particularly beginner-friendly while maintaining a rich level of competitive play. However, like many sports, it remains inaccessible ...

Energy & Green Tech

New study finds electric vehicles are driven less than gas cars

Mass adoption of electric vehicles (EV) is a key part of plans to decarbonize the United States' energy system. As EV ownership in the U.S. increases, understanding how much EV owners are driving their cars informs everything ...

Consumer & Gadgets

Amazon starts delivering medications by drone in Texas city Inc. laid out plans to expand its still-experimental drone delivery effort, announcing the start of sending prescription medication by air and promising to start flights in Britain and Italy by late 2024.

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