
Emirates set for Boeing talks on 777X delays: CEO

Emirates Airline will hold talks with US aviation giant Boeing over the delayed 777X "before and during" this month's Dubai Air Show, the company's chief executive said on Monday.


Britain scraps virus tracing app for Google-Apple system

Britain scrapped plans to launch its own coronavirus contact tracing smartphone app because of technical problems and will now work on building one using technology supplied by Apple and Google, health authorities said Thursday.


Coronavirus may prove virtual sports game changer

With an unprecedented captive audience of three billion people in coronavirus lockdown virtual sports events are wooing fans after traditional live sports were shut down and public gatherings banned in many countries.


German air force rejects delivery of two Airbus planes

Germany's air force said Wednesday it had refused delivery of two Airbus A400M transport planes over technical faults, saying bolts holding the propellers on some already operational aircraft were loose.

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