
New research may point the way towards frost-free heat pumps

A chilly winter morning, the car windshield shrouded in a thick layer of frost. Who has not experienced the frustration of scraping ice or waiting for the defroster to work? It is a daily winter struggle, but what if this ...


New tech transforming construction skills training

New tech-advanced training methods for construction workers have been tested in an Australia-first study into the effectiveness of training delivered using virtual reality.


How electric and automated cars are aggravating motion sickness

Around 25-30% of the population regularly suffers from motion sickness—a figure which some reckon to be conservative. Symptoms of this poorly understood illness include nausea, sweating, pallor, hypothermia, headaches and ...


An iterative regulatory process for robot governance

As technology advances rapidly, the gap between the speed of policy development and technological change is becoming more prominent. This is particularly true in robotics, where current legislation often lags behind and fails ...

Machine learning & AI

Research keeps AI compatible with smart devices

Smart devices keep getting smarter and are demanding more and more out of the hardware. How can we make sure that these devices are compatible with the artificial intelligence needed to keep them functioning, without having ...

Consumer & Gadgets

Game on: Sony re-enters VR headset fray

Consumer tech giant Sony is launching a virtual reality (VR) headset for its PlayStation on Wednesday, six and a half years after its last attempt to crack a market that is still struggling to gain a widespread public following.


Faster-than-reflexes robo-boots boost balance

Robotic boots providing superhuman reflexes can help your balance. Our new study shows that the key to augmenting balance is to have boots that can act faster than human reaction times.

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