Energy & Green Tech

Low-level jets create winds of change for turbines

As one of the leading sources of clean and renewable energy, global wind power capacity has increased more than fivefold over the past decade, leading to larger turbines and pushing wind technology to its limits.

Energy & Green Tech

How to harness the power of biosolids to make hydrogen

Researchers have used biosolids to produce hydrogen from wastewater, in new technology that supports the comprehensive recycling of one of humanity's unlimited resources—sewage.

Energy & Green Tech

New record could usher in new era for solar energy

The future of solar technology is almost reality, with researchers at The Australian National University (ANU) setting a new record for the conversion of sunlight into energy.

Energy & Green Tech

Scientists pioneer a new way to turn sunlight into fuel

The quest to find new ways to harness solar power has taken a step forward after researchers successfully split water into hydrogen and oxygen by altering the photosynthetic machinery in plants.

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