
How to delete or deactivate your Instagram account

Maybe it's the pandemic doomscrolling, the unsettling revelations about how toxic Instagram is for teenage girls, or you are just craving more time for IRL moments with the people you love and less time oversharing your life ...


Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram suffer worldwide outage

Facebook and its Instagram and WhatsApp platforms are back online after a massive global outage plunged the services and the businesses and people who rely on them into chaos for hours.


Instagram seeks to curb mental harm to teenagers

Instagram on Tuesday defended itself against a report that the social network harms the mental health of young girls, saying it plans to play down posts promoting myths about beautiful bodies.


Facebook seeks to defend itself after scathing reports

Facebook on Tuesday fired back after a series of withering Wall Street Journal reports that the company failed to keep users safe, with the social media giant noting an increase in staff and spending on battling abuses.


US lawmakers grill Facebook on spiking mental health fears

US lawmakers Thursday demanded pledges from Facebook to address escalating worries over its platforms' impact on teens' mental health, but a top executive instead offered assurances the sites are already safe.

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Adolescence (lat adolescere, (to) grow) is a transitional stage of physical and mental human development that occurs between childhood and adulthood. This transition involves biological (i.e. pubertal), social, and psychological changes, though the biological or physiological ones are the easiest to measure objectively. Historically, puberty has been heavily associated with teenagers and the onset of adolescent development. In recent years, however, the start of puberty has had somewhat of an increase in preadolescence (particularly females), as well as an occasional extension beyond the teenage years (typically males). This has made adolescence less simple to discern.

The end of adolescence and the beginning of adulthood varies by country and by function, as even within a single country there will be different ages at which an individual is considered mature enough to be entrusted with particular tasks, such as driving a vehicle, having sexual relations, serving in the armed forces, voting, or marrying. Also, adolescence is usually accompanied by an increased independence allowed by the parents or legal guardians and less supervision, contrary to the preadolescence stage.

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