
Q&A: What you need to know about audio deepfakes

Audio deepfakes have had a recent bout of bad press after an AI-generated robocall purporting to be the voice of Joe Biden hit up New Hampshire residents, urging them not to cast ballots. Meanwhile, spear-phishers—phishing ...

Computer Sciences

Grand Theft Auto and AI help team turn dog pics into 3D models

Photographs of dogs could soon be used to help generate 3D models more accurately than ever before—thanks to an award-winning study from the University of Surrey and the famous video game Grand Theft Auto.


Russian sentenced to five years in prison for Trickbot malware

A Russian man has been sentenced to more than five years in prison for his involvement in developing the Trickbot malware used to extort businesses, including hospitals during the COVID pandemic, the US Justice Department ...


'Bad buzz': How video games learnt to embrace diversity

The most notorious, violent and often sexist video game "Grand Theft Auto" is finally dropping a playable woman character into its testosterone-fueled world, capping a wider trend towards more inclusivity in the gaming industry.

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