Machine learning & AI

The ethics of digital technology in the food sector

Imagine a world in which smart packaging for supermarket-ready meals updates you in real-time to tell you about carbon footprints, gives live warnings on product recalls and instant safety alerts because allergens were detected ...


US sues Uber over 'wait fee' for disabled passengers

US authorities argued in a lawsuit Wednesday that ride-share firm Uber violated civil rights protections by imposing "wait" fees on disabled passengers who needed extra time to board a vehicle.

Electronics & Semiconductors

Side-polished SMS-based RI sensor employing perfluorinated POF

In a new publication from Opto-Electronic Advances, Xuezhi Zhang, Boyue Yang, Junfeng Jiang, Kun Liu, Xiaojun Fan, Zhaozhu Liu, Min Peng, Guanlong Chen and Tiegen Liu from Tianjin University, Tianjin, China discuss a side-polished ...

Machine learning & AI

Mesoscale neural plasticity helps in AI learning

A joint research team led by Xu Bo from the Institute of Automation and Mu-Ming Poo from the Center for Excellence in Brain Science and Intelligence Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, have discovered that self-backpropagation, ...

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