Energy & Green Tech

New model finds best sites for electric vehicle charging stations

Researchers from North Carolina State University have developed a computational model that can be used to determine the optimal places for locating electric vehicle (EV) charging facilities, as well as how powerful the charging ...

Energy & Green Tech

New global 'wind atlas' propels sustainable energy

Wind energy scientists at Cornell University have released a new global wind atlas—a digital compendium filled with documented extreme wind speeds for all parts of the world—to help engineers select the turbines in any ...

Energy & Green Tech

Breaking barriers in solar energy

Stop for a moment and imagine an efficient highway system. No need to jockey for position, no choke-point merging from three lanes into one, no long idles at ill-timed traffic lights, no rolling roadblocks as the motorist ...

Computer Sciences

Scientists prove tailgating doesn't get you there faster

We've all experienced "phantom traffic jams" that arise without any apparent cause. Researchers from MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) recently showed that we'd have fewer if we made one ...

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