Electronics & Semiconductors

Creating efficient p-type transparent conductors

Transparent conductors are essential for many devices, such as touch screens and solar cells. Copper iodide (CuI) can conduct electricity while staying see-through but is not as good as some other materials. Researchers from ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

Researchers enhance conversion efficiency of thermoelectric devices

In the effort to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels, one strategy involves harvesting the waste heat that is already being produced by our energy systems. Thermoelectric generators can convert waste heat to clean electricity, ...

Computer Sciences

Python-based compiler achieves orders-of-magnitude speedups

In 2018, The Economist published an in-depth piece on the programming language Python. "In the past 12 months," the article said, "Google users in America have searched for Python more often than for Kim Kardashian." Reality ...

Computer Sciences

What makes a neural network remember?

Computer models are an important tool for studying how the brain makes and stores memories and other types of complex information. But creating such models is a tricky business. Somehow, a symphony of signals—both biochemical ...

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