Machine learning & AI

Using AI to expand the quality and fairness of urban data

The sparse and inconsistent availability of urban data is currently hampering efforts to manage our cities fairly and effectively—but this could be solved by exploiting the latest advances in artificial intelligence.


Research aims to mitigate chemical and biological airborne threats

When the air harbors harmful matter, such as a virus or toxic chemical, it's not always easy to promptly detect this danger. Whether spread maliciously or accidentally, how fast and how far could hazardous plumes travel through ...


Adding sound to electric vehicles improves pedestrian safety

While they decrease sound pollution, electric vehicles are so quiet, they can create a safety concern, particularly to the visually impaired. To address this, many governments have mandated artificial sounds be added to electric ...

Energy & Green Tech

Lack of power grids sealed fate for early electric cars

New research from Lund University shows that insufficient infrastructure was key in American car manufacturers choosing gasoline cars over electric cars in the early 20th century. If electricity grids had spread just 15 or ...


NASA taps Kyoto startup to make maps of the wind for drones

The U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration is turning to a Japanese startup for help in creating maps of the wind that will make it safer for drones and air taxis to take to the skies around the world.


Amazon's Zoox unveils autonomous electric vehicle

An autonomous vehicle company acquired this year by Amazon has unveiled a four-person "robo-taxi," a compact, multidirectional vehicle designed for dense, urban environments.

Computer Sciences

Scientists create application for finding parking spaces

Computer vision and image recognition could solve the problem of a shortage of parking spaces in Chelyabinsk. As part of the work on the Smart City program, scientists from South Ural State University proposed using the already ...

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