Computer Sciences

How image features influence reaction times

It's an everyday scenario: you're driving down the highway when out of the corner of your eye you spot a car merging into your lane without signaling. How fast can your eyes react to that visual stimulus? Would it make a ...


In Scandinavia, wooden buildings reach new heights

A sandy-colored tower glints in the sunlight and dominates the skyline of the Swedish town of Skelleftea as Scandinavia harnesses its wood resources to lead a global trend towards erecting eco-friendly high-rises.


Counting pedestrians to make pedestrians count

A key portion of MIT's campus overlaps with Kendall Square, the bustling area in East Cambridge where students, residents, and tech employees scurry around in between classes, meetings, and meals. Where are they all going? ...


3D city models can serve hundreds of purposes

3D City models can be used in map applications, urban planning, virtual events and as a starting point for various other applications. At Aalto University, research into the topic has focused on ways to use city models in ...

Computer Sciences

The privacy risks of compiling mobility data

A new study by MIT researchers finds that the growing practice of compiling massive, anonymized datasets about people's movement patterns is a double-edged sword: While it can provide deep insights into human behavior for ...

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