
Image fusion method for underground pipeline leakage detection

The water supply network is closely connected to all aspects of society. Acoustic methods could be applied to underground pipe network monitoring and leakage detection through measurements using acoustic/vibration sensors ...


Listening to engine blades to stop failures, disasters

The roar of a jet or race car engine can nearly take one's breath away. Now imagine trying to hear through all that noise to pinpoint a problem with the engine—and stop a potentially disastrous failure.


Novel device to improve powder flow

Anyone who has tried to pour powdered sugar into a jar knows that sometimes beating the sides of the container or package is the only way to make it flow. That same process is used in making medicines and products such as ...

Wearable motion sensors could save unborn babies

The thump, thump of a baby's heartbeat is a milestone in any pregnancy. Now, researchers at Stevens Institute of Technology have developed a technique that could allow expectant parents to hear their baby's heartbeat continuously ...

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