
New AI technology to measure the noisiness of upstairs neighbors

Some people can't sleep well because of the noise from above: Noisy upstairs neighbors. In South Korea, these sleepless nights happen in many places because of the noise from upstairs neighbors. Living in the apartment units ...


A helmet with a vibration sensor for excavator drivers

Fraunhofer researchers have developed a helmet with an integrated acceleration sensor for drivers of construction vehicles. The helmet sensor measures harmful vibrations that affect the body. The software analyzes the sensor ...


Lattice structure absorbs vibrations

Researchers at ETH Zurich have developed a lattice structure capable of absorbing a wide range of vibrations while also being useful as a load-bearing component—for example, in propellers, rotors and rockets. It can absorb ...

Computer Sciences

Sound, vibration recognition boost context-aware computing

Smart devices can seem dumb if they don't understand where they are or what people around them are doing. Carnegie Mellon University researchers say this environmental awareness can be enhanced by complementary methods for ...


Fiber-optic vibration sensors could prevent train accidents

Researchers have developed new sensors for measuring acceleration and vibration on trains. The technology could be integrated with artificial intelligence to prevent railway accidents and catastrophic train derailments.

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