Machine learning & AI

Montreal research hub spearheads global AI ethics debate

Rapid developments in artificial intelligence—and recent turmoil at industry powerhouse OpenAI—have brought fresh attention to a key hub of ethics research related to the technology in Montreal, led by Canadian "godfather ...

Hi Tech & Innovation

Using virtual reality to research phantom sensations

Virtual reality (VR) is not only a technology for games and entertainment, but also has potential in science and medicine. Researchers at Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, have now gained new insights into human perception ...


Training robotic arms with a hands-off approach

Humans often take their fine motor abilities for granted. Recreating the mechanical precision of the human body is no easy task—one that graduate students in CMU's Mechanical Engineering Department hope to simplify through ...


Robotic proxy brings remote users to life in real time

Cornell University researchers have developed a robot, called ReMotion, that occupies physical space on a remote user's behalf, automatically mirroring the user's movements in real time and conveying key body language that ...

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