Hi Tech & Innovation

Virtual reality as a reliable shooting performance-tracking tool

Virtual reality technology can do more than teach weaponry skills in law enforcement and military personnel, a new study suggests: It can accurately record shooting performance and reliably track individuals' progress over ...


Training robotic arms with a hands-off approach

Humans often take their fine motor abilities for granted. Recreating the mechanical precision of the human body is no easy taskā€”one that graduate students in CMU's Mechanical Engineering Department hope to simplify through ...


Caregiving simulator advances research in assistive robotics

Caregiving robots would be transformative for people with disabilities and their caretakers, but few research groups are working in this space. A new robotic simulation platform developed by Cornell researchers may help more ...


Mixed-reality driving simulator a low-cost alternative

Cornell Tech researchers have developed a mixed-reality (XR) driving simulator system that could lower the cost of testing vehicle systems and interfaces, such as the turn signal and dashboard.