
Leveraging the role of dynamic reconfigurable antennas

We are living in the realm of Industry 4.0 today, which is a digital paradigm referring to the integration of cutting-edge computing and digital technologies into global industries. Some of the key technologies in smart industries ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

Europe looks to virtual factories in new industrial revolution

EU manufacturers are increasingly embracing digital technologies to improve agility. A plant that makes electric shavers in the northern Dutch town of Drachten is gearing up for a test meant to help European industry thrive ...

Machine learning & AI

AI could transform the way we understand emotion

An emotion recognition tool—developed by University of the West of Scotland (UWS) academics—could help people with neurodiverse conditions including autism.


Tech industry seeks new frontiers as Congress lags behind

Tech companies are racing toward new frontiers involving immersive virtual reality worlds that some experts fear could exacerbate existing problems as Congress lags behind the sector's rapid developments.

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