
Facebook oversight board reviewing 'XCheck' system for VIPs

Facebook's semi-independent oversight board says it will review the company's "XCheck," or cross check, system following an investigation by The Wall Street Journal into the use of this internal system that has exempted high-profile ...


Tesla's stock soars after company posts surprising 3Q profit

Tesla posted a surprising profit of $143 million in its latest quarter, raising hopes the electric car pioneer may finally be turning the corner after posting mostly losses during its first decade as a publicly held company.


Biden urges US Congress to rein in Big Tech

US President Joe Biden on Wednesday urged Republican and Democratic lawmakers to break years of political gridlock and pass laws that would rein in the power of Big Tech.


Facebook puts Instagram for kids on hold after pushback

Facebook is putting a hold on the development of a kids' version of Instagram, geared toward children under 13, to address concerns that have been raised about the vulnerability of younger users.

Energy & Green Tech

Recharged: Energy seen as big winner after disastrous 2020

Energy companies spent the first quarter of 2021 recharging from a draining year. Wall Street expects that growth to continue as energy companies and many of the other companies beaten down by the virus benefit from the vaccine ...

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