Electronics & Semiconductors

Making advanced electronics with water

Water is the secret ingredient in a simple way to create key components for solar cells, X-ray detectors and other optoelectronics devices.


Novel solar desalination system for remote areas developed

With summer temperatures soaring, the specter of water scarcity looms large. As a possible solution to increase the availability of clean, potable water, researchers at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) have developed ...


Passive cooling system could benefit off-grid locations

As the world gets warmer, the use of power-hungry air conditioning systems is projected to increase significantly, putting a strain on existing power grids and bypassing many locations with little or no reliable electric ...


Attachable skin monitors that wick the sweat away

A new preparation technique fabricates thin, silicone-based patches that rapidly wick water away from the skin. The technique could reduce the redness and itching caused by wearable biosensors that trap sweat beneath them. ...

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